Orlando, FL
Client Type
Project Type
Wastewater Treatment Plant
$13.0 Million
Delivery Method
Design – Bid – Build
City of Orlando Conserv II WRF Phase I
This project involved upgrades to the City of Orlando’s 24MGD Water Conserv II Water Reclamation Facility. Our scope of work including the furnishing and installation of new aeration system diffusers in 10 aeration basins including all new 24″ ALP piping from blower building to the aeration system. Part and parcel to the install of the diffusers required the removal and disposal of 2,500 CY of grit, which we self-performed.
The work included modifications to existing blower building and replacement of existing blowers with new high efficiency turbo blowers driven by 300-hp VFDs; new internal recycle pump stations including 48″, 36″, 24″ and 20″ piping, valves and appurtenances; structural modifications to splitter box; replacement of the four existing 120′ diameter clarifier mechanisms; modifications to the intermediate pump stations by changing out the motors on the 250hp vertical turbine pumps and re-cutting the impellers; installation of 2,800 lineal feet of 48″ double barrel headworks effluent line; flow improvements to the aeration basins with 10 new slide gates and 2 new weir gates; electrical upgrades including an MCC with a capacity of 1,600 amps and new switchgear rated at 3,200 amps; new instrumentation and controls system.